About Us

Who we are
Welcome to Isokan Yoruba Ottawa!
Isokan Yoruba Ottawa is a socio-cultural group of Nigerian Yorubas that live in Ottawa (Canada’s Capital) and its environs. We are a non-profit organization established to fulfill the following mission statements:

Preserve and promote our cultural heritage, values and traditions as part of the Canadian mosaic.

Protect and assist in the well-being of individual members in good standing within the association.

Our History
The Yorubas are an ethnic group that live mostly around South Western Nigeria. History tells that the Yorubas origniated from Ile-Ife as descendants of Oduduwa. Oduduwa was the father of Oranmiyan the king of the Yorubas who was attributed to founding Oyo around 1170. One of Oranmiyan’s sons Eweke migrated to Benin and became the first Oba of the Benin Empire. The influence and spread of the Yorubas is evident in surrounding West African countries like Republic of Benin, Togo, Ghana, Ivory Coast and Sierra Leone who have large number of Yorubas as citizens or residents. The Yorubas constitute one of the major ethnic groups in Nigeria.
The Yoruba Language is a rich mixture of several dialects which include Egba, Ekiti, Ibadan, Ijebu, Ile-Ife, Osogbo, Oyo, Saki and several others. Some prominent Yorubas in history are Bishop Ajayi Crowder who translated the The Holy Bible into Yoruba “Bibeli Mimo”, Obafemi Awolowo who was as key player in securing Nigeria’s independence from the British in 1960. The Yorubas are well known for the rich culture and traditions. The Yorubas and Yoruba culture are found in diaspora in many countries in West Africa, the Carribeans and South America. A lot of Yorubas in diaspora live in UK, USA, Canada, Ireland and several other European countries. Our organization Isokan Yoruba based in Ottawa Canada’s capital is one of such diaspora groups.
Objectives of the Association
The association will uphold the mission statements through the following objectives:
- Organize and operate a non-profit Association in the National Capital Region for the awareness and advancement of Yoruba culture, values and heritage in Canada;
- Establish and organize an integrated learning centre to promote our cultural heritage, values, traditions and foster the teaching of Yoruba language in a conducive environment;
- Encourage cooperation amongst all its members and cooperate to the best of its ability with other Yoruba Associations with similar objectives;
- Engage only in Charity Work, projects and activities which are deemed to best serve the interests of the Yoruba community and carried out in the most sustainable way to enhance our development;
- Promote Yoruba language under any heritage program(s) in Ontario and promote general public awareness and interest in Yoruba culture;
- Facilitate support services and programs to meet the needs of its members, especially in the areas of cultural adjustment for new immigrant families;
- Organize and foster socio-cultural/family activities and other events on a regular basis to promote and showcase our Yoruba culture;
- Organize and facilitate a network forum for the “Youth/Young Adults Network” to develop an awareness for Yoruba heritage within their Canadian Environment;
- Encourage and support the development, betterment and welfare of person(s)/families in our community with preference being given to members of the association that are in good standing;
- Maintain and enhance the positive image of Isokan Yoruba of Ottawa-Canada by highlighting the accomplishments of individual and/or household membership in good standing.
Join Our Association
Become a member of the Yoruba Social and Cultural Association of Ottawa by completing our membership form.